Thursday, March 6, 2008

The evidence

The evidence found at the crime scene were:

1. 2 maps, one with Spain on it and the other with Aragon
2. 3 bullets, two small used ones and one big unused bullet
3. Pictures of footprints on sand. The footprints looked like horse shoes.
4. A wash cloth that was dirty and was the color brown
5. A document written in spanish
6. Pictures of people killing others, like taking there hearts out and another picture of the sunstone.

The significance of each evidence:

The bullets show that there was a fight. The maps show the place where the victim was at that time. The footprints show that the killer or victim came on horses and came with others like allies. The wash cloth may contain small pox and may be used by the victim. The pictures of the people killing other people may show some type of sacrifice or murder. The document that was in spanish shows that moctezuma wrote it and it was written at the time of the victim's death.

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