Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Investagation of the Aztec Civilization

Physical Description of victim

victim : Montezuma the second/moctezuma

Age At time of death: 40's - 50's
Country of origin: Central Mexico
Size of population : 200,000 people
Geographical features : swamps/marshes, desert, sunstone

The time the civilization colapsed: 1521

Victims cultural background

Languages Spoken: nahuatl

Government: had small city states ruled by the king. The Huey Tlatloani and the nobles made most of the decisions. They conquered land which showed them respect.

Economic System: several types of money, you could sell many things such as animals to even your own daughter. Had 260days in their calender, united culture, they would mostly try to obtain goods and services from others to increase trade. They also did farming.

Religious beliefs: thought the world was flat, thought that the sun fought the dark every night and rose to save mankind. Thought there were 13 heavens and 9 hells. They used masks for religous purposes like rituals and dances. They believed in the gods of earth, rain, and the sun. They would sacrifise humans for their religous beliefs. They thought that the sun would not come out unless a human was sacrificed each day. The preists would get hearts and the blood of humans to give to the gods.


The Aztec civilization colapsed in 1521. The civilization colapsed because of cortes. He wanted to gather riches and came to mexico where he meets the Aztecs. Montezuma wants them to leave by bribing them with riches but that fails and they hold montezuma captive. So there was a war between the spainards and the Aztecs and montezuma the second was killled. The aztecs believed that cortes came in the form of the god Quetzalcoatl that came back to seek it's revenge. Cortes had come from spain so that explains the map of spain (the evidence). The map of Aragon (evidence)shows the place the spainards came toward and where the Aztecs were. The pictures of the people getting killed showed the sacrafices the Aztecs made for their gods. The aztecs did not have good weapons, all they had were spears while the spainards had guns and more weapons which allowed the spainards a head start. This helped the spainards conquer the Aztecs.

After all this research we have come to a conclusion that the death of Moctezuma was homocide.

By Sojin , Navleet, and chanje


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